Season One Episode 26 2019 Goal Review: A Mid-Year Look We have made it past the half-way point of 2019. If you want to hear about how I set my goals and what my goals were back at the start of the year, you can find that in a Bonus Episode from January 1st, 2019 called Goals: Reviewing 2018 and Setting 2019. One of my favorite podcast episodes about goal check-ins is the Rise Podcast Episode 101 with Rachel Hollis. She talks about how she checks in for the halfway point in the year and the idea of making a roadmap. Ways to review your yearly goals * Set aside time to look at what goals you set at the beginning of the year Choose what to do with your yearly goals: Reevaluate, Refocus, and Reach 1) Reevaluate If there's a goal that you don't feel is worth continuing to work towards this year, let it go 2) Refocus If there's a change that occurred in your life in the first half of the year, you may find that the goals you had been working toward...
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