Season One
Episode 26
2019 Goal Review: A Mid-Year Look
We have made it past the half-way point of 2019. If you want to hear about how I set my goals and what my goals were back at the start of the year, you can find that in a Bonus Episode from January 1st, 2019 called Goals: Reviewing 2018 and Setting 2019.
One of my favorite podcast episodes about goal check-ins is the Rise Podcast Episode 101 with Rachel Hollis. She talks about how she checks in for the halfway point in the year and the idea of making a roadmap.
Ways to review your yearly goals
* Set aside time to look at what goals you set at the beginning of the year
Choose what to do with your yearly goals: Reevaluate, Refocus, and Reach
1) Reevaluate
If there's a goal that you don't feel is worth continuing to work towards this year, let it go
2) Refocus
If there's a change that occurred in your life in the first half of the year, you may find that the goals you had been working towards no longer are relevant or need to be tweaked. Refocus your goals to align with where you are. Or you may find that you set a goal that's worth continuing to work toward, but needs honing or redefining.
3) Reach
For goals that you've met, see if there's something you want to work more towards in that area and extend your goal. Rachel Hollis talks about this in terms of setting a goal for something and then setting a reach goal towards that same thing. So if your goal is to save $1000 by the end of the year, your reach goal might be saving $1500 at the end of the year. If you find you're already nearing or have already surpassed what you had anticipated working towards, consider extending that goal and reaching beyond what has already been achieved.
As the new school year begins this fall, you may find that it's useful to set goals relevant for the first five months of the school year (August-December) to get the school year started in the right direction.
Finishing Well
* Check points
* Giving yourself grace
My Personal Goals
I made several goals this year, but rather than share how they're all coming, I'm going to focus on three - one from each area (Reevaluate, Refocus, and Reach)
Reevaluate - The goal I'm letting go: Inviting friends and family over once a month. Trading it for more focused and intentional consistent time with our community group.
Refocus - The goal I'm honing: Budgeting with Jeremy. Listening to more podcasts and reading (started with books by David Bach). Making a better plan.
Reach - The goal I'm extending: Running five miles by the end of the year
Episode 26
2019 Goal Review: A Mid-Year Look
We have made it past the half-way point of 2019. If you want to hear about how I set my goals and what my goals were back at the start of the year, you can find that in a Bonus Episode from January 1st, 2019 called Goals: Reviewing 2018 and Setting 2019.
One of my favorite podcast episodes about goal check-ins is the Rise Podcast Episode 101 with Rachel Hollis. She talks about how she checks in for the halfway point in the year and the idea of making a roadmap.
Ways to review your yearly goals
* Set aside time to look at what goals you set at the beginning of the year
Choose what to do with your yearly goals: Reevaluate, Refocus, and Reach
1) Reevaluate
If there's a goal that you don't feel is worth continuing to work towards this year, let it go
2) Refocus
If there's a change that occurred in your life in the first half of the year, you may find that the goals you had been working towards no longer are relevant or need to be tweaked. Refocus your goals to align with where you are. Or you may find that you set a goal that's worth continuing to work toward, but needs honing or redefining.
3) Reach
For goals that you've met, see if there's something you want to work more towards in that area and extend your goal. Rachel Hollis talks about this in terms of setting a goal for something and then setting a reach goal towards that same thing. So if your goal is to save $1000 by the end of the year, your reach goal might be saving $1500 at the end of the year. If you find you're already nearing or have already surpassed what you had anticipated working towards, consider extending that goal and reaching beyond what has already been achieved.

Finishing Well
* Check points
* Giving yourself grace
My Personal Goals
I made several goals this year, but rather than share how they're all coming, I'm going to focus on three - one from each area (Reevaluate, Refocus, and Reach)
Reevaluate - The goal I'm letting go: Inviting friends and family over once a month. Trading it for more focused and intentional consistent time with our community group.
Refocus - The goal I'm honing: Budgeting with Jeremy. Listening to more podcasts and reading (started with books by David Bach). Making a better plan.
Reach - The goal I'm extending: Running five miles by the end of the year
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