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Showing posts from July, 2021

S8: E163 Back to School Organization: Classroom Edition

Afternoon Ti Podcast Season 8 Episode 163 Summer Health Series Back to School Organization: Classroom Edition **Click here for your Classroom Organization Freebie.** In episode 162 I shared back to school organization ideas for your home with a focus on the items you might need - school supplies, backpacks, meals for lunches, and routines like getting back to a school sleep schedule and adjusting to more things being on your calendar.  In today’s episode we’re talking about organization in the classroom and how you can prepare your space for the new school year.  It’s very likely that things will look different this year compared to last year and that will influence not only what you’ll be able to do, but the materials you use and the way you’ll want to set up your classroom.  Last year I was based out of a science classroom, but traveling on a cart from room to room.  I’m thrilled that I’ll actually be back in my classroom again this year and working through som...

S8: E162 Back to School Organization: Home Edition

Afternoon Ti Podcast Season Eight Episode 162 Summer Health Series Back to School Organization: Home Edition There’s a little less than a month remaining until I return to school for teacher inservice week.  Some of you may be returning back to school in early August or as late as early September.m So while it may seem early to talk about getting back to school, now is actually a great time to begin mentally and physically preparing ourselves.  One way to do this is with organization.  Organization can help us set the mood for what is coming up.  It can help us prepare in as many ways as we can before school starts back so that we are less anxious, less stressed, and more settled.  I’m going to break down back to school organization ideas over several episodes beginning with home organization.  Before I can tackle my school environment for the new school year, I find it helpful to get my girls and my needs at home settled first.  This includes every...

S8: E161 Summer Health Series - 2021 Goals Check-In

Afternoon Ti Podcast Season Eight Episode 161 Summer Health Series - 2021 Goals Check-In This is the third annual Halfway Point Goals Check-In episode.  If you want to hear more about goals and ideas for checking in at the halfway point of the year listen to episode 36 from 2019 and episode 109 from 2020.  In both of these episodes I share ideas for looking at your goals, considering where you’re at and where you want to go, and being honest about what is important to you right now.   My favorite part of goal check-ins throughout the year is that it gives us the opportunity to make decisions about what continues to be important, what new things have come into our lives that we want to focus on, and what pursuits we want to bid farewell to.  It’s a way of organizing what is important for now, what we want to see come to fruition in the future, and what we want to let go of. Goal setting has been something I’ve done for many years and has allowed me to accompli...

S8: E160 Summer Health Series - Sleep

Afternoon Ti Podcast Season Eight Episode 160 Summer Health Series - Sleep At the beginning of summer I picked up the book “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams” by Matthew Walker at Barnes and Noble.  I’d heard his interview on the Ten Percent Happier podcast with Dan Harris and wanted to learn more.  The hardest part of finishing the book was that I often read it before bed and reading about sleep made me sleepy.  It was full of research, practical information, and helpful advice.  There’s so much to sleep that is valuable.  Our bodies do so many things that are beneficial for us when we sleep.  We’re often looking for ways to be healthy or to increase our energy.  We look at our nutrition and our physical activity and often overlook sleep.  In fact we often neglect sleep and don’t consider it at all.  It can be a badge of honor to share how little sleep we are functioning on all while doing our daily tasks.  So how ...