Afternoon Ti Podcast Season 8 Episode 163 Summer Health Series Back to School Organization: Classroom Edition **Click here for your Classroom Organization Freebie.** In episode 162 I shared back to school organization ideas for your home with a focus on the items you might need - school supplies, backpacks, meals for lunches, and routines like getting back to a school sleep schedule and adjusting to more things being on your calendar. In today’s episode we’re talking about organization in the classroom and how you can prepare your space for the new school year. It’s very likely that things will look different this year compared to last year and that will influence not only what you’ll be able to do, but the materials you use and the way you’ll want to set up your classroom. Last year I was based out of a science classroom, but traveling on a cart from room to room. I’m thrilled that I’ll actually be back in my classroom again this year and working through som...
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