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S6: E125 Soundtrap Series Found Sounds Project

 Season Six

Episode 125

Found Sounds Project

  • Students are assigned a specific rhythm OR choose a rhythm to perform from options provided for them

  • Students are provided a measure number for where their rhythm will begin (example:  Johnny is assigned measure 24… he will line up his rhythm to begin at ms 24)

  • They choose an item from home to play this rhythm with (kitchen utensils, writing utensils, on waterbottle, outside,...)

  • They record themselves playing their rhythm four times into the Soundtrap File and put it into the piece for their assigned measure

  • Small groups… whole class… partners:  if doing this with a partner, ask students to record multiple rhythm patterns using different items

  • **Share one of the pieces created by students**

  • Other options:  specify what students should be playing on or with (use something metal, something wood, something plastic, your hands, your feet, etc…)
