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Showing posts from October, 2020

S6: E126 Soundtrap Series Student Podcasts in the Classroom

 Season Six Episode 126 Soundtrap Project #4 Student Podcasts in the Classroom One of the greatest tools we can give our students is to help them use their voice and grow their confidence in speaking and sharing what they know.  I was always terrified - literally - whenever I was asked to speak in front of a class.  Even in middle school I remember tearing up or crying when it was my turn to read because I was so anxious I’d say something wrong and others would laugh at me.  Which now seems somewhat silly because I was a great reader and should have had lots of confidence about speaking, but I didn’t.  Something I love about giving students the opportunity to record their voices is that it allows them to speak about something they’ve learned while allowing them to present it in an aural way.  Sure you can have them present it in front of the class, but you can also allow students to present their project without the traditional speech at the front. ...

S6: E125 Soundtrap Series Found Sounds Project

 Season Six Episode 125 Found Sounds Project Students are assigned a specific rhythm OR choose a rhythm to perform from options provided for them Students are provided a measure number for where their rhythm will begin (example:  Johnny is assigned measure 24… he will line up his rhythm to begin at ms 24) They choose an item from home to play this rhythm with (kitchen utensils, writing utensils, on waterbottle, outside,...) They record themselves playing their rhythm four times into the Soundtrap File and put it into the piece for their assigned measure Small groups… whole class… partners:  if doing this with a partner, ask students to record multiple rhythm patterns using different items **Share one of the pieces created by students** Other options:  specify what students should be playing on or with (use something metal, something wood, something plastic, your hands, your feet, etc…)

S6: E124 Soundtrap Series: Fictional Character Theme

 Season Six Episode 124 Fictional Character Theme In this Soundtrap lesson I created a lesson plan where students design a fictional world, character, and theme song.   Links: Head to my shop at to purchase the Fictional Character Soundtrap Project!

S6: E123 Soundtrap Series: Poem with Loops

 Season 6 Episode 123 Soundtrap Series: Poem with Loops One of the tech tools that I fell in love with during our spring distance learning was Soundtrap.  In Episode 114 I share Nine Tech Tools that I want to use and Soundtrap was on this list.  It has continued to be a favorite way for me to teach musical concepts in a new way.  In today's episode I'm sharing the first assignment I created for students.  I'll share the purpose and focus of the assignment, how I led students towards their composition, how I assessed their work, and a few examples of final student products.  If you're interested in learning how to do these assignments with your students, click the links below!  I've created a YouTube video explaining adding loops as well as one where I walk through the process I used with students.   Poem:  Betty Botter (though any poem will work!) Focus:  Steady beat- speaking on a steady beat; Learning how to record your voice and m...