Season Six Episode 126 Soundtrap Project #4 Student Podcasts in the Classroom One of the greatest tools we can give our students is to help them use their voice and grow their confidence in speaking and sharing what they know. I was always terrified - literally - whenever I was asked to speak in front of a class. Even in middle school I remember tearing up or crying when it was my turn to read because I was so anxious I’d say something wrong and others would laugh at me. Which now seems somewhat silly because I was a great reader and should have had lots of confidence about speaking, but I didn’t. Something I love about giving students the opportunity to record their voices is that it allows them to speak about something they’ve learned while allowing them to present it in an aural way. Sure you can have them present it in front of the class, but you can also allow students to present their project without the traditional speech at the front. ...
For music educators